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Our reviews

(76 Reviews)
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December 13, 2023
Super good pizza will order again from you guys. Thanks.

December 13, 2023
Best pizza I have had since my visit to Chicago
Seriously delicious thank you so much for my
New pizza place and they deliver to mount Seymour parkway!!!!!

December 02, 2023
What are the best pizzas I’ve ever had thank you Andrew

November 03, 2023
Very flavourful. Good quality ingredients

October 28, 2023
Awesome pizza and salad, thank you!

October 21, 2023
It was flavourful and the spelt crust was thin and tasty.

October 02, 2023
Great pizza - unique flavours!

September 01, 2023
It took a long time to arrive and for the price it was an average product.

August 12, 2023
Awesome pizza

August 02, 2023
Great pizza and quality!