Our reviews

(76 Reviews)
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January 07, 2021
My new favourite in north van! So impressed by their topping selections and I'm so happy they have vegan cheese
Very happy and will be ordering again!

December 31, 2020
Excellent pizza! The crust was amazing, looking forward to ordering from here again!

September 25, 2020
70 pizzeria is the best in North Van, bar none. Get it in you!

August 28, 2020
Great pizza, whole family was happy. Will order again!

August 14, 2020
I ate 3/4 pizza to myself it was so delicious! Feeling stuffed!

May 29, 2020
Excellent pizza! Tried the Detroit and New York-style pizzas and both did not disappoint. My new favourite in North Van. Finally a good pizza place that delivers.